Existing RealVNC customer? You may already have an account. Please enter the email address we sent your last license key to.



We'll sign you up if you're new. Please enter your real email address; you'll need to receive email to sign in on new devices.

We'll store your email securely, and never share it. You can manage communications in your account profile. Privacy policy.

If you can't see our vs加速器下载 above, please contact support.



Automatic discovery

Automatically discover, seamlessly connect to, and centrally manage your remote computers with VNC Server installed.


Address book sharing

Invite people you trust in to your team to securely share remote access.


Backup and sync

Sign in to VNC Viewer on all the devices you connect from to automatically backup and sync your address book.


Remote sign out

Sign out from VNC Viewer on lost or stolen devices to help prevent unauthorized remote access.

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